Meet the creators
NoScope | Founder & Financial Management
NoScope is the Co-founder and Business Developer of The Squares. For many years he has been a producer and the creative mind behind 250+ commercials both on TV and Digital Media. He then founded an e-commerce website for designers community to be one of the first in his region. Now he is a leader among local designers, owner of two websites and numerous shops at hot spots in his country.
In the last two years he has made his place as a whale in the NFT community with a good history of NFT-sweeping. He is a great contribution to The Squares and a great reason to use Squares and not go around in circles ever again.
Hakan | Artist, Illustrator & Designer
It is estimated that Hakan has been living on this lovely planet for more than a thousand years and not for a short time now he continues his existence as an animator and director. Since he knows that everything is square now, he dedicated himself to The Squares Project for the squarization of the planet. On the other hand, he is currently directing a mainstream feature-length animation and preparing a short movie. Hakan is a prominent player in the Solana field and has already engaged in NFT projects prior to joining The Squares. He loves making little movies inside the computer and is passionate about creating collections for The Squares day and night. Hakan is a gem of a square. masterofwords | Editor in Chief
She is the SquareLady of the Project and has been in the Crypto Atmosphere since 2021. Masterofwords is practicing law for 10+ years in a world which is round. Now she is squaring the circles and mastering the words for any kind of texts in The Squares as EIC.
Masterofwords is very fond of fine arts and a firm supporter of digital creations. She is an excellent critic and the perfect eye for keeping The Squares good-looking at all times.
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